Quick Facts
- Feeling down, sad, or worried for a short time after a distressing event is normal
- Depression however, includes: feelings of sadness, a depressed mood, or a loss of interest/pleasure that lasts for more than two weeks
What does it
look like?
- Fatigue, changes in weight/appetite, sleep problems, feeling weak or physically tired
- Loss of interest in activities, social isolation or withdrawal
- Unkempt appearance
- Difficulty with concentration and motivation, performance may fall below their capabilities
- Difficulty making decisions
- Individual may have intense feelings of sadness, anger, guilt, and confusion
- May be unable to see positive qualities in oneself
- The injured person may express:
- Thoughts of low self-esteem
- Hopelessness and despair
- Suicidal thoughts and feelings
Possible Causes and Complications
Possible causes:
- Damage to the brain’s emotional control regions
- Individual gaining insight into how brain injury has changed them
- The individual may experience a sense of grief due to loss of:
- Skills they used to have (e.g. cooking, playing sports, drawing, etc.)
- Independence (e.g. dressing themselves, driving)
- Lifestyle (e.g. friends no longer include the individual in activties)
- Career (e.g. unable to go back to work or have the same job)
- Companionship (e.g. may lose friends, intimate relationships)
Possible complicaitons:
- Individual may isolate themselves and eventually become disconnected from their friends and family
- The completion of rehabilitation activities may be difficult and as a result lead to a slower recovery
What can we do?
- If you believe the individual’s daily life is being impacted by their depressive symptoms, contact their primary care physician for direction concerning medications and therapies that may help
- Try to understand how the individual is feeling, as this can provide insight when dealing with any challenging behaviour
- Listen and talk with the individual about how they are feeling, acknowledge that it is reasonable to feel depressed due to the trauma they have been through
- Watch for signs of alcohol or drug misuse
Encourage individual to:
- Exercise regularly
- Engage in an enjoyable activity or hobby
- Eat nutritiously
- Practice good sleep hygiene
- Follow a routine and stay involved in social activities
- Focus on what is in their control
- Request help when needed
- Accept support from others
- Seek counselling, support groups, or other therapies
Disclaimer: This information is not meant to replace advice from a medical doctor. Consult a health care provider regarding specific medical concerns or treatment.